Ofcom 2016 report on the consumption of news in the UK

1) Read this Ofcom 2016 report on the consumption of news in the UK. Note down the key statistics and changes that Ofcom document.

2) What are the most popular platforms for audiences to access news and how has this changed in recent years?
TV is the most-used platform for news nowadays (used by 69% of adults), the internet has seen a considerable increase in use compared to 2015 (48% vs. 41%)

3) How do different age demographics access news in the UK?
There are a number of differences by demographic group: half of 16-24s say they use TV for news compared to nine in ten of those aged 65+. Those aged 65+ are also more likely to be using newspapers and radio for news than those aged 16-24, while the younger age group are more likely to use the internet.

4) What percentage of 16-24 year olds use the internet to access their news?

(63% for 16-34s vs. 18% for 65+)

5) Does socio-economic status change attitudes to news? If so, how?

The ABC1 socio-economic group are more likely to use newspapers, radio and internet for news than C2DEs, but are just as likely to use TV. 

6) How many different sources of news are used on average? How does differ between different groups?

7) How has news consumption through television changed in recent years?

Its very visible to point out that the average media consumption has decrease dramatically over the years due to the rise of internet platforms, such as app like Netflix ect.
8) How much has newspaper circulation declined since 2010? Why do you think this is?
You see a visible trend going downwards from 9.2 on January 2010 to December 2016 to 6.0 for national daily titles and 5.4 for national Sunday titles.

9) Which are the most popular newspapers and websites in the UK? What do you know about those newspapers' political viewpoints?
The most popular newspaper used by people is The Mail on Sunday showing a figure of 15% market share in 2016. I believe that the political point of views for this newspaper is rather right wing in the spectrum.
10) How does online news consumption differ for age, gender and socio-economic status?
Nearly half (48%) of adults say they use the internet for news nowadays, an increase from 41% in 2015. 
Broadcaster websites/apps are used by 23% of all adults for news, 20% use social media sites, 17% use search engines and 15% use newspaper sites/apps. 
You can see that adults between the ages of 16-24 consume media digitally however most of which come from the ABC1 social class.

11) What percentage of people use social media to access news? How does this differ by age and socio-economic status?
The majority of the population who access new through socail media are females adults which is around 78%. Their socail class show a figure of 73% of users.
12) What percentage of users only use social media sites for their news?
94% of users only use social media for their news consumption, which is rather normal in this day and age.

13) What are the most popular online sites for news?
The top three most popular sites for online news consumption are Breaking news, UK news and finally Local news.
14) What percentage of 16-24 year olds access news mostly from social media?
As mentioned before the figure shows 94% of users use social media to keep track of the news around the world.
15) How do audiences find stories online? Do you follow links or go to the homepage of the news provider?
Most users use their social media account to follow news agents as well as news pages who share stories free of charge for the entire population to see. Some of the older demographics visit sites of private institutions to catch the updates they want, some of them may include the guardian, independent ect.


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