A daughter of an Apple engineer has filmed herself exploring the demanded iPhone X and uploaded the video to YouTube, weeks before its launch. The Dad’s bosses weren’t impressed with leak from California headquarters. Just hours after vlogger Brooke Amelia Peterson’s clip went live, it was deleted.
- The YouTube video was shot on the Apple campus in September when the young woman met her father for lunch.
- "At the end of the day when you work for Apple, it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, if you break a rule, they just have no tolerance," said Ms Peterson.
- "Apple really did like my dad. And they let him go. Because he broke a rule," she said. "It was an innocent mistake, and he fully apologises."
My opinion on this is that its not a major issue for apple due to the fact the demand for the new Iphone wont drop at all. They probably crossed the line when they fired the father, as the person who actually leaked the phone was his daughter.
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