Hyper-reality and the digital renaissance

Hyper-reality and the digital renaissance:

1) The article was written in 2009. Offer three examples of more recent social networking sites or uses of technology that support the idea of a 'digital renaissance'.

Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.

They are unique as they connect with individuals of various societies and they additionally build up their impression of societies and society in the created world. This is on the grounds that, on these locales, users can make their own interpretation on how they need to be seen on the internet all depending on what they consume.

2) How do live streaming services such as Periscope or Facebook Live fit into the idea of a 'digital renaissance'? Are these a force for good or simply a further blurring of reality?

This is a more prominent measure of reality than whatever else. This is because of the applications and administrations expressed all have a key element; being live. This suggests what people see, is reality of what is truly happening and there is for all intents and purposes nothing, expecting any' adjusting truly being presented. This is the refinement that recording and these administrations have differing. Administrations, for instance, FB Live are showing reality however chronicles have been adjusted and are not exhibiting reality of it.

3) How can we link the 'digital renaissance' to our case study on news? Is citizen journalism a further example of hyper-reality or is it actually making news more accurate and closer to real life?

Citizen reporting influences the gathering of people to feel nearer to reality contrasted with for instance news scope for regular daily existence. The recording which has been recorded can be one-sided or having the viewpoint of one individual; however it is content which the watcher can relate to. It imparts the sentiments which current news doesn't have, which is the reason news ought to be changed. It needs to feel more like 'news'. News is information that is refreshing the watcher on events and veritable issues, regardless they need to express sentiments and power, which is the reason news isn't as genuine as it doesn't do well in that view. Subject news coverage can genuinely change the way news keeps running over the gathering of onlookers/watcher.


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