Kodi box case: Brian Thompson pleads guilty to selling set top boxes in landmark case

TV dealer Brian Thompson has admitted selling Kodi boxes in a landmark court case. The 54-year-old pleaded guilty to two charges - one of selling the devices, which allow users to watch pirated sport and films, and another of advertising them for sale. The charges against Thompson, who operates Cutprice Tomo TVs on Parliament Road in Middlesbrough, dated back to a six-month period between July 25, 2015 and January 30, 2016. Middlesbrough Council brought the charges last year, at the time one of the first ever prosecutions relating to the sale of Android or Kodi boxes.
- Previously in that case, £135,173 was said to have been the “financial proceeds from the supply of pre-loaded IPTV boxes and premium packages”.
Brian Thompson, 55, had originally denied the offences and set up the prospect of a landmark court case relating to the sale of Kodi boxes.
In a separate court case, a man was given a four-year jail term for conspiracy to defraud after selling more than 1,000 boxes to pubs.


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