LR January Test
1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
- You've touched on a rang of issues but now need to add depth, accuracy and question focus if you want to maximise potential.
- This essay lacks organisation and question focus - it jumps around all over the place. Suggests lack of planning or revision or both.
- Case study is lacking... so much more you could use from last term.
- lacking theory and examples.
(13-24 marks)
A satisfactory essay, showing critical autonomy.
Adequate understanding of new and digital media.
Focuses mainly on the question.
Adequate application of media debates, issues and theories and/or wider
An adequate individual case study, with a number of examples.
Mostly well structured and generally clear.
I have covered all of these points of Level 3 if i earned on more mark i could of landed myself at level 3.
Generally, this essays shows many signs of 'adequate understanding of new and digital media' which is decent as if shows i understand what the topic is all about. However, when compared to Level 4 'Sophisticated and detailed understanding of new and digital media' it isn't as good as it lacks details in the answer.
3) Look at the Examiners' Report for this particular paper. Read page 10 - Section B New/digital media. How many of the good points or higher level answer examples did you include in your essay? What were they? What could you have added to improve your mark?
- Good answers used concepts of active and passive audiences to support their answers.
- Good answers discussed the role of audiences in influencing and producing media content and the advantages and disadvantages of this for audiences and producers. They supported this with a discussion of ideas such as user generated content, prosumers and citizen journalism.
The second point is one element could done even better by talking about disadvantages for both consumers and producers.
4) Read through these exemplar A grade essays from previous Media graduates. What do these essays offer that yours does not? Identify THREEthings you can take from these essays to improve your own responses in future.
- Statistics
- Add more related theorists
- Improve general spelling
- When given a statement, give a counter argument for the debate.
- Use examples of current NDM stories and embed them into my answers to make my argument look more valid
- Talk about democracy in my introduction and link that to the question and set a debate
- Discuss the change of roles between the audience and producer
5) Write ONE new paragraph for your January assessment essay. Ideally, this should be a section you did not cover in your original essay. This paragraph needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme. Minimum 300 words.
Audiences have now become empowered due to the rise in citizen journalism. Citizen journalism has occurred because of new and digital media for example social media sites have developed so much that people can create their own news due to its feature like live broadcasts, creating their own posts, sharing videos etc. However people have argued that it may actually be better for audiences as fake news has become more important over the months. Fakes news has been seen to not be the full blame for some of the events that have taken place in the past for example the U.S elections between Trump and Clinton. Fake news is not the full blame for the shocking outcome of the election , people have their own minds and may have voted for Trump out of their own will instead of being influenced and fed wrong information from online sources. So this tells us that new and digital media does not create a democratic ideology.
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